Friday, 25 April 2014


We are constantly to believe and confess.
1) What we believe: For with the heart you believe
to righteousness,
2) What we say about it: With the mouth, confession
is made to salvation.Rom.10:10 I list twenty-one confessions in the complete book, here are only five of them:
  • That we are redeemed.Rev.5:9; 1Pet.1:18
  •   That we have a new nature.2Cor.5:17; Gal.6:15; Eph.4:22-24;  Cor.3:9-10
  • That Christ lives in us.2Cor.6:16; Jn.14:23; Gal.2:20; Jn.17:23; Cor.1:27
  • That He is our strength, our provider, our healer,our keeper.Phil.4:13; Psa.31:19; Ex.15:26; 2Tim.1:12; 2Th.3:3; Jude 24
  •   That we are more than conquerors.Rom.8:37
Thousands of Christians negate THE GOOD LIFE
by retaining their old confessions. Your words control
and dominate you, because they express your
thoughts which are the seeds of your life.
Solomon said, You are snared with the words of
your mouth, you are taken (captive) with the words of
your mouth.Prov.6:2
First we fill our hearts with the word of God. Then
we confess that word until it becomes a part of our
nature. David realized this when he prayed:
Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door
of my lips.Psa.141:3
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my
heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength
and my redeemer.Psa.19:14
Numerous confession facts and scriptures are
listed in the full book for you to read, memorize
and confess daily. They are facts which are eternal.
When you get the book confess and boldly stand
on them.

Hold fast the confession of your faith without wavering,
(for he is faithful that promised.) Heb.10:23 RV
God is supporting your position. Confess your
freedom. Your full pardon has been granted. What
God says is yours. Believe it! Confess it! Act on it!
You will not—you cannot—rise above your own
words. Your life will always go to the level of your
words. You, will never live above the standard
of your conversation. This principle is unalterable.
If God has said it in His word, then you can confess
it, knowing that God will make it good.
God says: For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word
that I shall speak shall come to pass. The word which
I have spoken shall be done, says the Lord God.Eze. 12:25,28
Jesus said, The scripture cannot be broken.Jn.10:35
God said, My word that goes forth out of my mouth
shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish the
thing whereto I sent it.Isa.55:11
There has not failed one word of all his
good promise
which he promised.1Kg.8:56
He watches over his words to perform them.Jer.1:12
No word from God is void of power.Lu.1:37 RV
His covenant will he not break nor alter what has gone
out of his lips,Psa.89:34
Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away but my
word shall never pass away.Mk.13:31
Healing for Everyone Today
DIVINE HEALING WAS administered first by
Jehovah-God, then by His Son, Jesus Christ, next
by His disciples, later by the early church, and last

by all believers in all the world. Therefore, the age
of miracles has not passed and physical healing is
as much a part of Christ’s ministry today as it ever
In the bound book, THE GOOD LIFE there are many
facts and scriptures enumerated as proof that healing
miracles are for today. Read and enjoy the full
benefits of God’s provision through Jesus Christ.

ONE OF THE MOST important aspects of THE
GOOD LIFE is the principle of sowing and reaping.
The apostle Paul said: Whatever you sow, that shall
you also reap.Gal.6:7
In the beginning of time, God laid down a law
that was never to be changed:
While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall
not end.Gen.8:22
Two principles are infallible:
1. We always reap the same kind of seed we plant.
2. We always reap more than we plant.
Plant love, plant mercy, plant kindness, plant
strength, plant faith, plant money, plant whatever
good thing God has given to you, and you will reap
an abundant return of the same blessing.
THE ENTIRE BIBLE is God’s revealed plan of complete
and full salvation for the whole person, spiritually,
physically and materially.
God generously and mercifully granted us THE

GOOD LIFE of abundant living through Jesus Christ,
as long as we accept Christ as Lord of our lives. This
gives us the right perspective in all of the spiritual,
physical and material blessings we receive from
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits,
even the God of our salvation.Psa.68:19
Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper,
and be in health even as your soul prospers.3Jn.2
The whole Christian value of financial prosperity
rests on one’s attitude toward money, and one’s
objective in its use.
There are innumerable scriptures that tell us that
God wants His children to prosper and to be blessed
materially so long as our motive is right. Many of
these scriptures are listed in the full book for your
immediate reading. Order your copy for a complete
and thorough study. Learn and live THE GOOD
LIFE with God.
God will be Your Partner
LIFE with Christ is to learn how to sow money for
God’s glory and how to become a business partner
with Him in order to share in carrying out His
No. 1 Job—giving the gospel to those who have
not yet received it.
His last instructions were: Go into all the world
and preach the gospel to every creature. Mk.16:15
God loved the whole world.
Jesus died for the whole world.
Our greatest opportunity is tell the Good News to
the whole world.

Satan will oppose every morsel of Bible truth
about this subject because this is the greatest threat
to his kingdom. As long as Christians remain in
poverty and glorify God for their humble estate,
believing it is for their good, to keep them submissive
and holy, the gospel will never be preached
to every creature. And until this is done, Christ
cannot return.Mat.24:14 Then Satan can continue his
rule as the prince of this world. Jn.12:31; Jn.14:30; Eph.6:12

Jesus said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.
Ac.20:35 His point was that it is more productive to give
than to receive, because only what you give is multiplied
back to you again.
Ø  Keep your expectations only on the Lord. He
alone is your supply—your only source. God shall
supply all of your need.Phil.4:19 God gives the increase.
When you plant the seed-money of your firstfruits
in the Lord’s work, remember to plant for a
harvest. Plant with an abundant return in mind.
This takes vision and demands faith. This calls for
action and believing. Without faith it is impossible
to please him, for they that come to God must believe
that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently
seek him.Heb.11:6

Order your personal copy of my book, in it I have
outlined eighteen basic Christian fundamentals
which will help you to grow with God in THE
GOOD LIFE. They are by no means comprehensive,
but they will help to acquaint you with your Bible.

To realize the benefits of the good life with Christ,
our faith in Him must rest entirely on the word of
God. That is why you will want to read the Bible
daily and let it be the standard for your lif

Now the God of peace, that brought again from the
dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,
through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make
you perfect in every good work to do his will, working
in you that which is well pleasing in his sight through

Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.

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