TO KNOW that you can be
right with God. Your record can be clear. No sin
that you have ever committed can ever condemn
you again Rom.8:1 when you come to Christ and receive
Him.Jn.6:37; 1:12 You can confess your sins to
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Him and trust His blood to cleanse you.1Jn.1:9 Now
it is finished, as
Christ said when He died on the
cross.Jn.19:30 Never let Satan cause you to doubt your
To help you live a happy, successful Christian life,
you must be willing for changes in your lifestyle.
Eph.4:22-32; 5:1-2; Cor.3:12-17 Here are two habits to
FIRST: Talk to God every day
Prayer is
that intimate time with your Father who
is always waiting for those precious moments of
communion with you.1Pet.3:12
I love the Lord because he hears my prayers and answers
them. Because he bends down and listens, I will
pray as long as I breathe.Psa.116:1-2 LB
Learn to talk to God as your best personal friend.
Excerpts from: THE GOOD LIFE
SECOND: Let God talk to you every day
Reading the Bible is
hearing God talk. The word
of God is food for your soul.
Prayer and reading of the Bible should always
go together. One is not complete without the other.
There is no real communion or communication
unless you both take part in the conversation.
Jesus said, You shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.Mat.4:4
For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the word that I
shall speak shall come to pass.Eze.12:25
Accept what God says. God says what He means.
Order the complete book today, which includes
detailed secrets learned over a lifetime of studying,
preaching, teaching and observing God’s miraculous
power affecting multitudes of precious people,
with millions of lives being changed.
greater secret to THE GOOD LIFE
than to learn to pray and to get an answer. God
wants you, as His child to come to Him with absolute
Ask, and it
shall be given you; seek, and you shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened to you.Mat.7:7
God invites you to pray—to ask in faith. One of
the most marvelous communions any person can
enjoy with the Lord is to ask and to receive.Mat.7:8
To get your prayers answered, depend entirely
on the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ. Whatever
you pray for, understand that Christ died to
Excerpts from: THE GOOD LIFE
provide it at the cross. Make Christ’s death your
only argument—the only basis for claiming any
blessing. This is a legal basis for your claim.
When He paid such an enormous price to provide
the blessings and gifts you need, no other
point is worthy of mentioning before Him.
Prayer is expounded further in the bound book
of THE GOOD LIFE. Order your personal copy today.
Learn of God’s invitation to prayer and His
promise to answer. He made many marvelous
promises—and they are for you—personally.
Practice the Presence of Jesus
received Christ, begin to practice
being conscious of His presence with you and
in you.
Listed in this excerpted copy is one distinct way
to recognize His presence. You will learn three more
as you read the complete book.
1. THINK NOTHING that you would not think
if you could actually sense the thinking process
of Christ at work within your mind.
Be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is
that good, and acceptable and perfect will of God.Rom.12:2
Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
Whatever things are true, whatever is honest, whatever
is just, whatever is of good report; if there be any
virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these
Phil.4:8 because we have the mind of Christ.1Cor.2:16
Talk Yourself to the Top
We are constantly to believe and confess.
Excerpts from: THE GOOD LIFE
1) What we believe: For with the heart you believe
to righteousness,
2) What we say about it: With the mouth, confession
is made to salvation.Rom.10:10
I list twenty-one confessions in the complete book,
here are only five of them:
That we are redeemed.Rev.5:9; 1Pet.1:18
That we have a new nature.2Cor.5:17; Gal.6:15;
That Christ lives in us.2Cor.6:16; Jn.14:23;
Gal.2:20; Jn.17:23;
That He is our strength, our provider, our
our keeper.Phil.4:13; Psa.31:19; Ex.15:26; 2Tim.1:12;
2Th.3:3; Jude 24
That we are more than conquerors.Rom.8:37
Thousands of Christians negate THE GOOD LIFE
by retaining their old confessions. Your words control
and dominate you, because they express your
thoughts which are the seeds of your life.
Solomon said, You are snared with the words of
your mouth, you are taken (captive) with the words of
your mouth.Prov.6:2
First we fill our hearts with the word of God. Then
we confess that word until it becomes a part of our
nature. David realized this when he prayed:
Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door
of my lips.Psa.141:3
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my
heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength
and my redeemer.Psa.19:14
Numerous confession facts and scriptures are
listed in the full book for you to read, memorize
and confess daily. They are facts which are eternal.
When you get the book confess and boldly stand
on them.
Excerpts from: THE GOOD LIFE
Hold fast the confession of your faith without wavering,
(for he is faithful that promised.) Heb.10:23 RV
God is supporting your position. Confess your
freedom. Your full pardon has been granted. What
God says is yours. Believe it! Confess it! Act on it!
You will not—you cannot—rise above your own
words. Your life will always go to the level of your
words. You, will never live above the standard
of your conversation. This principle is unalterable.
If God has said it in His word, then you can confess
it, knowing that God will make it good.
God says: For I am the Lord: I will speak, and the
that I shall speak shall come to pass. The word which
I have spoken shall be done, says the Lord God.Eze. 12:25,28
Jesus said, The scripture cannot be broken.Jn.10:35
God said, My word that goes forth out of my mouth
shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish the
thing whereto I sent it.Isa.55:11
There has not failed one word of all his good promise
which he promised.1Kg.8:56
He watches over his words to perform them.Jer.1:12
No word from God is void of power.Lu.1:37 RV
His covenant will he not break nor alter what has gone
out of his lips,Psa.89:34
Jesus said, Heaven and earth shall pass away but my
word shall never pass away.Mk.13:31
Healing for Everyone Today
WAS administered first by
Jehovah-God, then by His Son, Jesus Christ, next
by His disciples, later by the early church, and last
Excerpts from: THE GOOD LIFE
by all believers in all the world. Therefore, the age
of miracles has not passed and physical healing is
as much a part of Christ’s ministry today as it ever
In the bound book, THE GOOD LIFE there are many
facts and scriptures enumerated as proof that healing
miracles are for today. Read and enjoy the full
benefits of God’s provision through Jesus Christ.
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