Tuesday, 1 April 2014



There are vast treasures lying dormant and untapped in believers. This booklet seeks to unveil these unspeakable treasures and resources which remain largely unharnessed by a good proportion of believers.
Many believers live out their lives on earth without ever venturing into the very threshold of these treasures. They live more or less beggarly lives, never ever being able to take advantage of these treasures because they live totally unaware of them.
In order for believers to shine forth as the manifested sons of God they must understand their true state and position in Christ. Failure to do so means disaster and puts them at a great disadvantage. Such believers are “mince-meat” to the devil because they are not manifesting the glory of God or walking in the glorious splendour of His Kingdom.
God's Plan And Purpose
Our God is a God of plan, purpose and objectivity and this is seen in His strategy for the salvation of mankind. When He planned and implemented our salvation, His intention was not for born again believers to continue life largely in their old state of living. God designed something new for us and
made great provisions for us in that grand design. These provisions of God are called “Realities of the New Creation” or “New Creation Realities”.
If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creation old things are passed away behold all things have become new2Cor. 5:17. For the believer, the old order of life has passed away and a new order has come in. The old pattern of life is out and a new pattern of life is in. The old pattern of thinking, seeing, talking, acting, behaving and reacting is out and a new pattern is in place.
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ Eph. 1:3. This is pregnant with meanings, implications and applications. It means that believers are endowed with all the substance of God. We are enriched beyond measure. We are overdosed. We are loaded with untold resources.

The Great Irony
Many Christians are not enjoying these great provisions of God. They don't know what they were called into when they got saved. Many are living far below their true rights, privileges and potential in Christ. Many Christians are living conflict torn lives, embittered lives, struggling lives, battered lives, weak and defeated lives, greatly stressed lives, beggarly lives, obscure lives, handicapped lives, greatly burdened lives, troubled lives and compromising lives. Some are living in fear and worry, full of cares and anxieties. All sorts of manifestations, far from the real thing are seen all over the place.

Why Is This So?
Many Christians don't really know what became theirs when they were born again. “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”. Hos.4:6 This scripture holds true of them and because of this lack of knowledge, they are unable to tap into the resources or provisions of their new birth state. Therefore they live at variance to their true state. They live robbed of their rights. The realities of their new creation state have not dawned on them. Certain things have been left undone which would have caused the realities to dawn on them and so they live far below their true potential in Christ.
A Glimpse At God's Provision
When God planned and implemented our salvation, His plan and purpose was for the born again believer to live at a new level of life higher than that of fallen humanity – it is called the “Kingdom of God”. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full (have it abundantly). John 10:10 This full or abundant life of God’s Kingdom is a quality of life higher than the natural human life. This abundant life flourishes in plenty while natural human life is plagued with lack, need and shortages. Abundant life is the life of God while the natural human life is the discordant existence of fallen humanity.
God also provided a new realm-of-life for the believer: who called you out of darkness into his wonderful (marvellous) light. 1Pet.2:9 Being called into the marvellous light of God implies that our lives should be wonderful and marvellous. The marvellous light should transform our lives into a marvel. The marvellous light should surround our life with its magnificence and make us magnificent.
God provided a new life-pattern for us. If any man be in Christ Jesus he is a new creation old things are passed away behold all things have become new2Cor. 5:17. The old order of life is gone and a new order is in. The governing principles for our lives have changed and the manner of life has also changed. Our behavioural pattern has changed. The way we act and react, take things or assess them have all changed.
In addition God has provided a new life-style for us. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light Eph. 5:8. Our new life-style is to walk as children of light governed by a new principle of light.
God has made great, glorious and wonderful provisions for us: Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Eph. 1:3 By this, God blessed us with the substance of all things.
The spiritual is the mother of the physical. All physical things proceed from the spiritual dimension. The spiritual is the substance of all things. God released spiritual substance through His words when He spoke to create the material world. Thus the spiritual is more tangible and more substantial than the material; it is more real and more durable. So God has blessed us with substance in the most durable state. With this substance we can produce anything. Oh, the unfathomable love of God for us. Oh, the breath-taking, measureless span of God's blessing on us - it is beyond comprehension. This means that there are dimensions of our blessings that we have no knowledge of yet and of which we will never have knowledge of until we see Him face to face when He will take us on a new round of discoveries of our treasures. It will take an eternity to do that. We have been blessed far more than we will ever be able to utilise down here; we are blessed beyond measure; we are overloaded. There should be no talk of shortage - we are too full to run short.
What we have just shared under this heading represent a glimpse of the super-abundant provision of God for the born-again believer. It's breath-taking, it's mind-boggling yet many believers are living deficient and handicapped lives. There is a gap that must be filled. By discovering the treasures of God’s Kingdom, believers may enjoy them by walking in the light of this new dimension and realm God's plan is for born-again believers to be governed by new spiritual principles which they have to discover and adopt. These new spiritual principles cover every area of life. The believer is to know them, get used to them, adopt them and adjust their life to run in line with them.
The Christian life is a life of continuous discovery and making appropriate adjustments to match the discoveries. It is an ever ascending life of continuous upward adjustments.
Result Of Application Of The New Spiritual Principles
These spiritual principles will promote the believer to a higher level of existence. Everything about the believer will be different and better. Change will permeate every aspect of the believer's life and this change will be for the better in every sense. In fact the application of the principles will usher the believer into abundant life. Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth ...He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak ...but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Is.40:28-31 The application of the new spiritual principles will cause believers to excel in life. They will be able to live a life of overcoming, a life of soaring above everything in their paths.
“The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you only will be above, and you will not be underneath, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I charge you today, to observe them carefullyDeut.28:13. Here the promise of God to His people is that they will be above only and not beneath. The application of these principles will cause believers to really be above. They can expect to excel in every area of life for these principles span the whole spectrum of human life. No aspect of life is left out.

These new principles that should govern the life of a believer are called New Creation Realities. They represent the glorious things that God Himself has prepared for the believer.

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